2013 .. The Unique Beginning
We are so busy in our own tiny world. Our calendars are all set.. We live in an era of overbooked schedules running behind something at all times with maximum stress .We are affected by fast pace of our life style...I am also one of those busy bees trying to manage all aspects of my own house , my family and my own growth .
I enjoy every bit of it but after certain point I feel need of re-energising myself by going close to nature. An outing with Mumbai travellers is such kind of rejuvenating experience for me as they always provide a unique experience of nature .The unique journey this time was Kalasubai trek arranged on the 31 December, waving goodbye to the past year and welcoming the first sunrise of new year from the top of Maharashtra...
After the year end celebration when world was fast asleep in their cosy beds we marched with our torches and our sacks onto Kalsubai with a few unknown faces.We started the trek at midnight unaware of the mesmerising beauty of nature at the top!!! It was an amazing feeling really... Every one them wanted to experience something different on the year end eve to make it memorable one.. otherwise who will opt for this long journey to a deserted peak of Maharashtra instead of celebrating with their family and friends. Of-course!!!!everyone was passionate about nature, about meeting people and travelling.
Most of us started the journey wearing all kinds of warm clothes , with a notion that it will be very cold.
It was fun to watch people taking out their sweaters,monkey caps just as we reached temple at the base point which was one percent of the trek , almost unaware about the cold winds which had to be faced once we reach at the top.
It was a beautiful night .Sky was clear with few twinkling stars around with only silver moonlight to lighten the darkness..The air was cool and crisp. I clearly remember the moment when we lied down and the blue sky was above us . I just felt like an insignificant drop in the ocean of mesmerising natural beauty . How much can we really absorb with our tiny eyes or advanced electronic excellence of cameras ? I really missed my daughter and wished she was there to enjoy this feast of beauty with me . I really fear that her generation will loose their appetite of beauty in smoke and dust of busy city lives.
It took nearly 4 hours for us to reach at the top . We took short breaks and got to know an interesting story behind this tallest peak in Maharashtra. By the time we reached there most of us were utterly exhausted and desperately looking for shelter to lie down and protect from the nasty winds which were making whistling sound. Havoc of winds did not let many of us to have a sound sleep but the contrasting beauty of fascinating sunrise made us forget all our tiredness. A breakfast of mouth watering hot Maggie in the chilled weather followed by cup of tea brought back the passion amongst us.
Dream of most of us seeing Sahyadri ranges from the tallest peak came true as the weather was very clear and we could locate almost 15 peaks from the top. As we all worry about the endangered biodiversity of nature , to our surprise we saw the rarest species of vultures which are on the verge of getting extinct. It was really a desert for all the nature lovers.
The journey back to the base camp was equally exciting and tiring but real thrill was climbing down the ladders. While Lime juice,guavas re hydrated our bodies beauty of the deep valleys re hydrated our minds.
We confronted three ladders on our way which were a bit risky. There was excitement more than that there was fear.Will I be able to make it I thought.But I did it..Body was really tired due to fatigue but mind was refreshed by beautiful nature and filled with fond memories of the trek .
We are really thankful to Mumbai travellers for yet another unique experience and starting our new year at the heart of nature . They always rock.
Not to forget the anniversary celebration of Mumbai travellers at the stroke of 12 with a memorable video. It was nice to be a part of the celebration.

P.S. The folktale of Kalasubai Peak : Kalasu was household help who worked on one condition that she should not be asked to clean pots or sweep the floor or she should not be forced to marry but when she was forced to do so she immediately climbed this hill and stayed there till death.If she would not have gone up the hill ,we would not have known this tallest peak ever. People built a temple at the top in her memory.
So much so is our history. Tallest peak in Maharashtra is known after a lady. This depicts the respect given to women by our ancestors and zeal of women to do something different in ancient times...
I enjoy every bit of it but after certain point I feel need of re-energising myself by going close to nature. An outing with Mumbai travellers is such kind of rejuvenating experience for me as they always provide a unique experience of nature .The unique journey this time was Kalasubai trek arranged on the 31 December, waving goodbye to the past year and welcoming the first sunrise of new year from the top of Maharashtra...
After the year end celebration when world was fast asleep in their cosy beds we marched with our torches and our sacks onto Kalsubai with a few unknown faces.We started the trek at midnight unaware of the mesmerising beauty of nature at the top!!! It was an amazing feeling really... Every one them wanted to experience something different on the year end eve to make it memorable one.. otherwise who will opt for this long journey to a deserted peak of Maharashtra instead of celebrating with their family and friends. Of-course!!!!everyone was passionate about nature, about meeting people and travelling.
Most of us started the journey wearing all kinds of warm clothes , with a notion that it will be very cold.
It was fun to watch people taking out their sweaters,monkey caps just as we reached temple at the base point which was one percent of the trek , almost unaware about the cold winds which had to be faced once we reach at the top.
It was a beautiful night .Sky was clear with few twinkling stars around with only silver moonlight to lighten the darkness..The air was cool and crisp. I clearly remember the moment when we lied down and the blue sky was above us . I just felt like an insignificant drop in the ocean of mesmerising natural beauty . How much can we really absorb with our tiny eyes or advanced electronic excellence of cameras ? I really missed my daughter and wished she was there to enjoy this feast of beauty with me . I really fear that her generation will loose their appetite of beauty in smoke and dust of busy city lives.
It took nearly 4 hours for us to reach at the top . We took short breaks and got to know an interesting story behind this tallest peak in Maharashtra. By the time we reached there most of us were utterly exhausted and desperately looking for shelter to lie down and protect from the nasty winds which were making whistling sound. Havoc of winds did not let many of us to have a sound sleep but the contrasting beauty of fascinating sunrise made us forget all our tiredness. A breakfast of mouth watering hot Maggie in the chilled weather followed by cup of tea brought back the passion amongst us.
Dream of most of us seeing Sahyadri ranges from the tallest peak came true as the weather was very clear and we could locate almost 15 peaks from the top. As we all worry about the endangered biodiversity of nature , to our surprise we saw the rarest species of vultures which are on the verge of getting extinct. It was really a desert for all the nature lovers.
The journey back to the base camp was equally exciting and tiring but real thrill was climbing down the ladders. While Lime juice,guavas re hydrated our bodies beauty of the deep valleys re hydrated our minds.
We confronted three ladders on our way which were a bit risky. There was excitement more than that there was fear.Will I be able to make it I thought.But I did it..Body was really tired due to fatigue but mind was refreshed by beautiful nature and filled with fond memories of the trek .
We are really thankful to Mumbai travellers for yet another unique experience and starting our new year at the heart of nature . They always rock.
Not to forget the anniversary celebration of Mumbai travellers at the stroke of 12 with a memorable video. It was nice to be a part of the celebration.

P.S. The folktale of Kalasubai Peak : Kalasu was household help who worked on one condition that she should not be asked to clean pots or sweep the floor or she should not be forced to marry but when she was forced to do so she immediately climbed this hill and stayed there till death.If she would not have gone up the hill ,we would not have known this tallest peak ever. People built a temple at the top in her memory.
So much so is our history. Tallest peak in Maharashtra is known after a lady. This depicts the respect given to women by our ancestors and zeal of women to do something different in ancient times...