Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Where there is will there is a way!!!!!!

I am an enthusiastic walker. I love brisk walking hence I try to seize every opportunity to walk . Be it  shopping for fresh vegetables from the market, dropping Jui to her activity classes  or just roaming around with my friend. I always prefer climbing up stairs to reach my home on sixth floor instead of lift. I absolutely enjoy those small walking sessions to Juis dance and music classes. But that day while walking Jui  asked me this simple question, 'Why cant you drive mummy'? She asked innocently and persistently. She also told me how gladly and proudly her younger cousin  sister shared her experience of bike riding with her mother. I was taken aback.Why cant I drive??I asked myself.I will drive one day surely I assured her. I could clearly see her  gleaming eyes when I gave her this assurance.

It is really easy to talk but difficult to act accordingly. Isn't it? I always watched others riding bikes confidently.I even thought of learning it thousand times but in  my case this was really difficult . I never ever actually drove even bicycle during my childhood  for that matter. I was always studious type child always interested in reading books . I never gave importance to any sports related activity when I was child. My sister on the other hand was exactly opposite to me.She would somehow  convince my parents and would rent out a bicycle for an hour or two. We did not had bicycle in those days.

Time flew away. I was able to make so many changes in my personality.I could do anything now except this driving..I had great fear of driving,. driving phobia you can say. The mere thought of driving would make me feel sick. It was difficult to overcome this feeling. My sister and husband had tried their best to teach me.But they never got success. Is that possible at this age now?
 You are never too old to learn any thing new I concluded.

Immediately after that  I asked my husband to get me second hand bicycle.He was so happy and got me a new cycle the same evening. All through the night I was trying to convince myself that I can learn this . I was trying to boost my self confidence. We got up at 4.30 a.m the next day for practising keeping in mind not to disturb the  daily routine.I was really nervous when I started but determined this time.I had fear of falling off my bicycle and hurting myself. It took some time to   get rid of it.But I gathered up courage . Mandar reassured me that I would not come to any harm and then in  next 15-20 minutes I was riding on my own. I don't know when my husband left his hold on the cycle but I was able to do it on the very first day.I was able to balance myself along with my cycle. Oh well!!!I am not that dumb, I was relieved.It was amazing you know. My husband patted my back saying that I have done a good job. Ladies are already doing such kind of balancing work in their day to day lives. Managing house,their own ambitions,children,guests and so many other things.They are handling so many expectations at the same time.10 years of married life  has coached me this balancing after all. The practice session on the very first day raised my spirits and then for the rest of the week we practiced on the empty road in front of our house.

 In my next learning sessions I learned how to  control brakes,emergency stops,hand signals,figures of eight and to cycle downhill.--my biggest fear.But I did it confidently.

The next step was cycling on the busy roads with heavy traffic.The idea of cycling on heavy traffic road was terrifying.I was scared initially cycling on busy road with so many vehicles around !!!!   But I simply followed my husbands instructions and hurray !!! I was able to do it.

 Early Sunday morning we three started enjoying the cycling on busy roads.Mandar would take his camera to get some nature clicks.Myself and Jui would enjoy the cycle rides.

Jui was so happy. She appreciated my efforts.
There is real buzz and excitement when you are cycling with your child.

I got so much habituated with my lovely cycle that I put a basket in front of it and  would cycle into the busy markets for shopping during busy hours.The people on the streets including few familiar faces gave me surprised looks.  The cycle had become my great companion my best friend.I would wipe out my loneliness,frustration, fatigue with a cycle ride. It feels so refreshing  when the soft wind is blowing your hairs in a pleasant weather You already get a feeling that you are flying in the air.How lovely!!!

Now as far as exercise is concerned cycling is a very good option but if  you have time constraints scooter can take you in lesser time as well as with least physical efforts. The next step was riding a scooter . It was not that difficult you know. as I had already praciced cycling for good amount of time.Learning various other aspects like starting the bike,parking ,turning lamps whenever necessary were done in few sessions. Mandar would always accompany me by sitting behind me giving me instructions and  guiding me .I  started driving confidently with his assistance.

And finally one day ,I took hold of the keys and and had a long joyride completely on my own.
 This was the moment I was longing for. A true independence I guess..
I have also realized that a person with determination will find a way to do something .

Willlingness is key to success.

This is my personal experience.

I am really thankful to my husband who kept lot of patience while teaching me
.He was the one who guided me encouraged me.

One more person is going to be the most happiest ever , Jui.
I am eagerly waiting for the day when I will take her for long ride
.I could just imagine her delightful face!!!!!!!!!!!


At 2 September 2013 at 05:00 , Anonymous Disha ture said...

Very Nice and sweet experience..

Ani Aaplya mulanchya chehrya verche te hasoo ter kashashi toltach yenar nahi!

A pleasant gift to your child...

At 9 January 2014 at 02:44 , Blogger Mrunalini said...

Well done.. I am wanting to learn bicycle riding since so long.. reading your experience really motivates me.. I will also give it a try here in Germany as it is easier to learn and drive here! Wish you lots of joyful fun rides with Jui and your hubby!!


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